采鈺科技 舉報/申訴/意見反應
- 誠信、正直為本公司最重要的核心價值,也是公司經營之首。
Integrity is the most important core value of VisEra's culture, and also a top priority of VisEra business principles.
- 采鈺科技一向承諾秉持誠信從事所有業務活動,絕不允許貪污及任何形式之舞弊行為。
VisEra is committed to act ethically in all aspects of our business, and will not condone any form of corruption and fraud.
- 當您發現采鈺員工或任何代表采鈺公司相關人士進行可疑行為或可能違反采鈺從業道德規範時,請逕行舉報。
If you find or suspect any unethical conduct or breach of VisEra's ethical standards by a VisEra employee or anyone representing VisEra, please contact us.
- 對於您所申訴、檢舉的事項,我們將予以保密,並依法採取適當之保護措施保護您的個人資料與隱私。
VisEra will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information and protect your identity to the fullest extent permitted by law.
- 不得明知不實而故意捏造事實,倘舉報事後被證明是出於惡意或有故意捏造虛偽陳述之情事,須自負相關法律責任。
You may not act maliciously or knowingly and willfully make a false statement. You shall assume liability for the allegations that prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false.
* 為必填 Required